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Dear Jane D4, C6, C4

April 23, 2012

This weekend I got quite a few blocks drafted onto freezer paper. It’s amazing how long just that takes. On Saturday evening I got only 3 blocks drafted in the 45 minutes that it took me to catch up on Grey’s Anatomy. Granted, they were more detailed blocks, but still!

Friday I finished D4 Crystal Star. I paper pieced it, and hand appliquéd the “leaves.”
D4 Crystal Star (54/169)

Got started on C6 Ashley’s Aura, but Saturday was so busy I didn’t get around to finishing it until Sunday. Completely hand appliquéd. I appliquéd the white circle on the background first, then the cross over all, cutting away the extra fabric on the back as I went.
C6 Ashley's Aura (55/169)

C4 Tic Tac Toe I did last night. I strip pieced the center section, and then paper pieced the rest on the machine. I love the fabric on this one.
C4 Tic Tac Toe (56/169)

And I need to redo the tutorials I have for piecing diamonds, and my quilt binding tutorial… I hadn’t learned to be patient and do pictures during the day or how to use the macro button back then. It’s about time I pull out an almost finish doll quilt and do that!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Kitsie permalink
    June 8, 2012 10:33 pm

    Just wondered, Wendy, if you have tried to copy the block diagram and print it onto freezer paper. Soooo much easier and I do most of my DJ blocks that way.

    • Wendy permalink*
      June 9, 2012 12:58 am

      I think I have tried that, and my printer does not particularly love freezer paper, so I’ve just found it easier to trace instead. I tend to change a lot of them as well, and that way I can remove unwanted sewing lines.

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